Information regarding earning CE from the 2019 SDBP-NAPNAP symposiumweb-based contentThe presentations were presented by an inter-professional team. Psychopharmacology of ADHD and Complex ADHD was presented by Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Dawn Garzon Maaks, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS, FAANP. Autism, Intellectual Disabilities and Genetics Disorders and When Stimulants Don’t Work were presented by Alison Schonwald, MD, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School. The Family Experience was presented by Carrie Mauras, PhD, Clinical Psychologist. The recorded content is hosted on NAPNAP’s PedsCESM website and is available for NPs and RNs to earn NAPNAP CE contact hours. As the CE contact hours are through NAPNAP, they are only accredited in providing nursing CE. All SDBP members are able to access the modules and complete them but cannot currently earn CME for this. Here are links to each course and the contact hours earned. All courses are open on the PedsCESM website from 12/01/2019 to 12/31/2020. Psychopharmacology of ADHD - 1.0 NAPNAP contact hour, of which 1.0 is pharmacology content/1.0 Psychopharmacology content/1.0 Controlled Substance contentComplex ADHD- 1.0 NAPNAP contact hour, of which 1.0 is pharmacology content/1.0 Psychopharmacology content/1.0 Controlled Substance contentAutism, Intellectual Disabilities and Genetics Disorders - 1.0 NAPNAP contact hour, of which 1.0 is pharmacology content/1.0 Psychopharmacology contentThe Family Experience - 0.5 NAPNAP contact hour, of which 0.5 is pharmacology content/0.5 Psychopharmacology contentWhen Stimulants Do Not Work - 0.5 NAPNAP contact hour, of which 0.5 is pharmacology content/0.5 Psychopharmacology contentThe coupon code isSDBP2019RX. It will make the cost of the course equal to the fee for NAPNAP members, so all NAPNAP and SDBP members will pay the same price. Non members of both organizations will pay the higher fee. It will not reduce the price any lower than the NAPNAP rate if already a NAPNAP member. It is only set to work on the 5 courses listed above, and after the fifth use, the coupon will no longer work for an individual.