2025 SDBP Member Career Awards Nomination Form Please select the award that you are applying for or nominating someone for:(Required)SDBP Early Career AwardSDBP Mid Career AwardSDBP Career Achievement AwardAre you nominating yourself? Yes No Name of NOMINEE(Required) First Last DegreesTitle(Required)Institution(Required)Email(Required) PhoneNominee Statement: highlights the nominee accomplishments that qualify them for the award, describing the impact of their major activities.(Required)CPlease upload the NOMINEE's CV(Required)Max. file size: 63 MB.Please upload the 2 nomination letters (as one document/pdf)(Required)Max. file size: 63 MB.The letters should highlight the Nominee’s accomplishments and explain why the Nominee is deserving of the award (each 2 pages max).Contact Information of Nominator – if different from NOMINEE First Last DegreesTitleEmailInstitution