SDBP DEI Monthly call
February 28 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The DEI Committee and the School Age SIG are collaborating on an SDBP-wide activity hosting monthly sessions on listening to and deconstructing the podcast: “Sold A Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went so Wrong”, which uncovers the convoluted history and politics behind the nation’s reading instruction in public schools: https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/.
The podcast can be found anywhere you enjoy podcasts: Apple, Spotify, Audible, etc. We plan to discuss one episode per month and pair our discussion with literature reviews.
Podcast: Sold A Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong” – Episode 1
Join Zoom Meeting (on the 4th Friday of the month – 12pm pacific / 3pm eastern)
Meeting ID: 986 3042 0858
Passcode: 267315
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